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Author: Dr. Trevor Castor
Topic: Mission and Evangelism
Topic: Mission and Evangelism, Zwemer
A note about Muslim ministry from the Zwemer Center’s Director, I was 18 years old when the Lord placed a burden on my heart to bring the gospel to Muslims. A year later, I married my high school sweetheart, who…
Topic: Mission and Evangelism, Zwemer, Dialogue, Mission and Evangelism
Christianity and Islam have many similarities as well as significant differences. Throughout history, the relationship between Christians and Muslims has ebbed and flowed between peaceful coexistence, avoidance, and violence. Even during times of peace, mutual misunderstandings often pervade, leading to…
Topic: Mission and Evangelism, Zwemer, Dialogue, Mission and Evangelism, Apologetics, Book Review, Dialogue
I had the privilege of co-authoring (with Ed Smither) the chapter on Timothy of Baghdad (727-823) in the recently released book The History of Apologetics. In the chapter, we discuss the context of the Eastern Church under Muslim rule and…
Topic: Mission and Evangelism, Zwemer, Dialogue, Mission and Evangelism, Apologetics, Book Review, Dialogue, History & Politics, Polemics
In the 16th Century, Martin Luther came across a short book detailing the religious rituals and customs of the Ottoman Turks. He was so impressed with the tract that he decided to reprint it with a new preface that he…
Topic: Mission and Evangelism, Zwemer, Dialogue, Mission and Evangelism, Apologetics, Book Review, Dialogue, History & Politics, Polemics, Faith & Practice, Mission and Evangelism
Many Christians are unaware that Muslims believe in sacrifice. In fact, there is an annual celebration that commemorates Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son and God’s merciful provision of a substitute ram in his son’s place. The celebration is called…
Topic: Mission and Evangelism, Zwemer, Dialogue, Mission and Evangelism, Apologetics, Book Review, Dialogue, History & Politics, Polemics, Faith & Practice, Mission and Evangelism, American Muslims, Mission and Evangelism
Islamophobia ebbs and flows in American society. Why is that no one seems to mind if Buddhists, Hindus, Mormons, Jews or nominal Christians use a Chapel in Duke or Washington D.C., but when Muslims want to do so, the gloves…
Ebooks & Books

The Unseen Reality: A Panoramic View of Spiritual Warfare