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Topic: History & Politics, Middle East, Radicalism, Uncategorized
The answer to this question must be an emphatic NO! There are plenty of situations where Islamists do not resort to violence. But at the same time they face a real dilemma. They want their society to be more consistently…
Topic: History & Politics, Middle East, Radicalism, Uncategorized, History & Politics, ISIS, Israel and Palestine, Quran & Hadith, Radicalism
There are typically two responses to ISIS. ‘ISIS has nothing to do with Islam’ or ‘ISIS are the real Muslims’. It’s easy to understand why so many Muslims—especially in western contexts—dissociate themselves from ISIS. They are thoroughly embarrassed to think…
Topic: History & Politics, Middle East, Radicalism, Uncategorized, History & Politics, ISIS, Israel and Palestine, Quran & Hadith, Radicalism, American Muslims, Radicalism
Clearly it was the rapid spread of ISIS in Iraq and the capture of Mosul in June last year which made us all sit up and take notice. But we might not have been so surprised if we had known…
Topic: History & Politics, Middle East, Radicalism, Uncategorized, History & Politics, ISIS, Israel and Palestine, Quran & Hadith, Radicalism, American Muslims, Radicalism, Comparative Religion, History & Politics, Radicalism
WHAT DO WE MEAN BY ‘POLITICAL ISLAM’ AND HOW DOES IT DIFFER FROM OTHER KINDS OF ISLAM? I hope we’ve all got past the stage of speaking about ‘Islamic fundamentalism’ and begun to get used to ‘Islamism’, ‘political Islam’ or…
Topic: History & Politics, Middle East, Radicalism, Uncategorized, History & Politics, ISIS, Israel and Palestine, Quran & Hadith, Radicalism, American Muslims, Radicalism, Comparative Religion, History & Politics, Radicalism, History & Politics, Radicalism
Is it strange that we’re addressing the question of political Islam at a meeting where the main focus is on the many movements of Muslims all over the world turning to Christ? Were the organisers of this meeting aware of…
Topic: History & Politics, Middle East, Radicalism, Uncategorized, History & Politics, ISIS, Israel and Palestine, Quran & Hadith, Radicalism, American Muslims, Radicalism, Comparative Religion, History & Politics, Radicalism, History & Politics, Radicalism, History & Politics, Radicalism
Assuming that we’re not talking about Islamists who reject the use of violence and are committed to work through democratic processes to create a more just Islamic society, but about Islamists who turn to violence, this would by my 10-point…
Ebooks & Books

The Unseen Reality: A Panoramic View of Spiritual Warfare