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Topic: Contextualization, Mission and Evangelism, Quran & Hadith
The gospel is God’s good news for human beings mired in sin and its consequences. Often, this good news is presented as Jesus’ sacrificial payment of the just penalty for sin. This message is thoroughly biblical, and for many, it…
Topic: Contextualization, Mission and Evangelism, Quran & Hadith, Quran & Hadith
The Muslim view of heaven comes from the Qur’an’s focus on luxury, leisure, and sensual pleasures. But the vision is distinctly religious and allows for no perversion whatsoever—at least, not as defined by the Qur’an. Many non-Muslims picture the qur’anic…
Topic: Contextualization, Mission and Evangelism, Quran & Hadith, Quran & Hadith, Eschatology, Quran & Hadith
Whereas non-Muslims in the West may joke that there are only two things we can count on–death and taxes, Muslims, as a rule, do not joke about death lest it lead to a premature occurrence. Nevertheless, Muslims agree that death…
Topic: Contextualization, Mission and Evangelism, Quran & Hadith, Quran & Hadith, Eschatology, Quran & Hadith, Eschatology, Quran & Hadith
Since Muslims have spent considerable time and energy thinking about future things, it behooves us to look carefully at what they do believe concerning the Day of Judgement. This article will first of all examine the prominence of Last Things…
Topic: Contextualization, Mission and Evangelism, Quran & Hadith, Quran & Hadith, Eschatology, Quran & Hadith, Eschatology, Quran & Hadith, Eschatology, Quran & Hadith
While Muslims are not in complete agreement regarding the exact number, most agree that the Day of Judgement will be preceded by signs prophesied by Muhammad. See for example the article “50 Signs of the Day of Judgment from the…
Topic: Contextualization, Mission and Evangelism, Quran & Hadith, Quran & Hadith, Eschatology, Quran & Hadith, Eschatology, Quran & Hadith, Eschatology, Quran & Hadith, History & Politics, Quran & Hadith
For well over a millennium Muslims have revered Mecca as the site of their holiest shrine, the Kaaba. And until recently Western scholarship always accepted the traditional Muslim origins narrative, which says that was where Muhammad began, in Arabia. But…
Topic: Contextualization, Mission and Evangelism, Quran & Hadith, Quran & Hadith, Eschatology, Quran & Hadith, Eschatology, Quran & Hadith, Eschatology, Quran & Hadith, History & Politics, Quran & Hadith, Comparative Religion, Dialogue, Quran & Hadith
Years ago I had a conversation with a Muslim who was being critical of the Bible for several reasons. One that I found very interesting was that he thought it was horrible that the Bible portrayed Jesus as a terrorist. …
Topic: Contextualization, Mission and Evangelism, Quran & Hadith, Quran & Hadith, Eschatology, Quran & Hadith, Eschatology, Quran & Hadith, Eschatology, Quran & Hadith, History & Politics, Quran & Hadith, Comparative Religion, Dialogue, Quran & Hadith, History & Politics, ISIS, Israel and Palestine, Quran & Hadith, Radicalism
There are typically two responses to ISIS. ‘ISIS has nothing to do with Islam’ or ‘ISIS are the real Muslims’. It’s easy to understand why so many Muslims—especially in western contexts—dissociate themselves from ISIS. They are thoroughly embarrassed to think…
Ebooks & Books

The Unseen Reality: A Panoramic View of Spiritual Warfare