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Topic: ISIS, Radicalism
The jihadist attacks in Paris have grieved and frightened the world again with the reality of Muslims committing violence in the name of Islam. Again we face the question – is Islam inherently violent? Are Muslims required to commit violence…
Topic: ISIS, Radicalism, History & Politics, ISIS, Radicalism
One side declares that the true Islam was founded by a violent man who made that Islam reflect his violence such that Islam is a violent religion in its essence and true nature. Those Muslims who act violently, such as…
Topic: ISIS, Radicalism, History & Politics, ISIS, Radicalism, History & Politics, ISIS, Israel and Palestine, Quran & Hadith, Radicalism
There are typically two responses to ISIS. ‘ISIS has nothing to do with Islam’ or ‘ISIS are the real Muslims’. It’s easy to understand why so many Muslims—especially in western contexts—dissociate themselves from ISIS. They are thoroughly embarrassed to think…
Topic: ISIS, Radicalism, History & Politics, ISIS, Radicalism, History & Politics, ISIS, Israel and Palestine, Quran & Hadith, Radicalism, ISIS, Radicalism
Terrorism on one side begets a reaction of war from another. But fear is the source. Let’s shepherd our people boldly—without fear—through these difficult and confusing times. Enemies change. At times they’re the ones we don’t like. Other times, they’re…
Topic: ISIS, Radicalism, History & Politics, ISIS, Radicalism, History & Politics, ISIS, Israel and Palestine, Quran & Hadith, Radicalism, ISIS, Radicalism, History & Politics, ISIS, Mission and Evangelism
During the 5th Crusade St. Francis undertook what most considered a senseless and foolhardy mission: convert the most powerful Muslim in the world. So radical was the Sultan he had promised a Byzantine gold piece for anyone who brought the…
Topic: ISIS, Radicalism, History & Politics, ISIS, Radicalism, History & Politics, ISIS, Israel and Palestine, Quran & Hadith, Radicalism, ISIS, Radicalism, History & Politics, ISIS, Mission and Evangelism, Culture and Worldview, ISIS, Middle East
The Charlie Hebdo attacks in France shocked the Western world when, once again, Muslims seemed to act violently against them. In recent days people have taken sides, as confrontation leads them to farther and farther extremes. Those in the West…
Ebooks & Books

The Unseen Reality: A Panoramic View of Spiritual Warfare