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Topic: Culture and Worldview, Faith & Practice
This session gives one more look at the radical changes affecting Islamic societies all over the world. As you listen, pay particular attention to the issues facing Muslim youth, noting that their Muslim mothers have these problems on their hearts.…
Topic: Culture and Worldview, Faith & Practice, Culture and Worldview, Faith & Practice
We tend to think of Islam as a historical religion, focusing our attention on the Qur’an, hadith, and traditional cultural practices and customs. But Islam is in a state of flux just like the rest of the post-modern world. This…
Topic: Culture and Worldview, Faith & Practice, Culture and Worldview, Faith & Practice, Culture and Worldview, Faith & Practice
You need to understand the concept of post-modernity, a mindset toward truth and life that increasingly permeates the “global village”transmitted by the media and shared experience. It affects how people hear and understand the Qur’an and the Bible. Session 41…
Topic: Culture and Worldview, Faith & Practice, Culture and Worldview, Faith & Practice, Culture and Worldview, Faith & Practice, Culture and Worldview, Faith & Practice, Mission and Evangelism
Learning about Muslim beliefs and practices concerning death and funerals should stimulate you to think through how both Muslim and Christian rites can be used as bridges to the communication of the Good News of Jesus. Session 30 Outline
Topic: Culture and Worldview, Faith & Practice, Culture and Worldview, Faith & Practice, Culture and Worldview, Faith & Practice, Culture and Worldview, Faith & Practice, Mission and Evangelism, Culture and Worldview, Mission and Evangelism
Four more festivals that can serve as conversation bridges leading to a discussion of biblical teaching. You’ll also get a little primer on Sunnis and Shi’ites (often called Shias). These two major sects in Islam celebrate the festivals with some…
Topic: Culture and Worldview, Faith & Practice, Culture and Worldview, Faith & Practice, Culture and Worldview, Faith & Practice, Culture and Worldview, Faith & Practice, Mission and Evangelism, Culture and Worldview, Mission and Evangelism, Culture and Worldview, Mission and Evangelism
Leviticus 23 describes the festivals God designed for the Israelites. Jesus’ first miracle took place at a wedding. Paul told us to commemorate His death until He comes. Festivals, rites, and ceremonies are important to us–and they are important to…
Topic: Culture and Worldview, Faith & Practice, Culture and Worldview, Faith & Practice, Culture and Worldview, Faith & Practice, Culture and Worldview, Faith & Practice, Mission and Evangelism, Culture and Worldview, Mission and Evangelism, Culture and Worldview, Mission and Evangelism, Culture and Worldview, Mission and Evangelism
The last session in this series gives more ideas for leading Muslims to the point of knowing Jesus and beyond. A section on reaching Muslim students is also appropriate for outreach to Muslim students studying in Western universities. Session 26…
Topic: Culture and Worldview, Faith & Practice, Culture and Worldview, Faith & Practice, Culture and Worldview, Faith & Practice, Culture and Worldview, Faith & Practice, Mission and Evangelism, Culture and Worldview, Mission and Evangelism, Culture and Worldview, Mission and Evangelism, Culture and Worldview, Mission and Evangelism, Culture and Worldview, Mission and Evangelism
God may use your gift for poetry, storytelling, writing skits or singing to make the gospel message relevant and appealing. Even if you are not gifted in literature or music, there are still countless ways to engage your Muslim friends…
Topic: Culture and Worldview, Faith & Practice, Culture and Worldview, Faith & Practice, Culture and Worldview, Faith & Practice, Culture and Worldview, Faith & Practice, Mission and Evangelism, Culture and Worldview, Mission and Evangelism, Culture and Worldview, Mission and Evangelism, Culture and Worldview, Mission and Evangelism, Culture and Worldview, Mission and Evangelism, Culture and Worldview, Mission and Evangelism
Ms. Stacey now gives a set of guidelines for communication, evangelism, and discipleship, and ideas for working with Muslim students. Her papers and comments will be a resource for your future ministry. Session 24 Outline
Topic: Culture and Worldview, Faith & Practice, Culture and Worldview, Faith & Practice, Culture and Worldview, Faith & Practice, Culture and Worldview, Faith & Practice, Mission and Evangelism, Culture and Worldview, Mission and Evangelism, Culture and Worldview, Mission and Evangelism, Culture and Worldview, Mission and Evangelism, Culture and Worldview, Mission and Evangelism, Culture and Worldview, Mission and Evangelism, Culture and Worldview, Muslim Women
Ms. Stacey provides guidelines on how to effectively communicate your values in the way you present yourself to Muslim women. Session 12 Outline
Topic: Culture and Worldview, Faith & Practice, Culture and Worldview, Faith & Practice, Culture and Worldview, Faith & Practice, Culture and Worldview, Faith & Practice, Mission and Evangelism, Culture and Worldview, Mission and Evangelism, Culture and Worldview, Mission and Evangelism, Culture and Worldview, Mission and Evangelism, Culture and Worldview, Mission and Evangelism, Culture and Worldview, Mission and Evangelism, Culture and Worldview, Muslim Women, Culture and Worldview, Muslim Women
“Be sure to be seen for who you are!” How tragic if a Christian worker is erroneously perceived to be immoral, immodest, or lacking in piety. You’ll gain a great deal of practical advice to avoid such problems in the…
Ebooks & Books

The Unseen Reality: A Panoramic View of Spiritual Warfare