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Topic: Book Review, Eschatology, Islamophobia
In 2006 Joel Richardson made a splash in the evangelical world with his inaugural work, Islamic Antichrist: The Shocking Truth About the Real Nature of the Beast, in which he argues for an Islamic Antichrist, drawing parallels between biblical and…
Topic: Book Review, Eschatology, Islamophobia, Apologetics, Book Review, Dialogue
I had the privilege of co-authoring (with Ed Smither) the chapter on Timothy of Baghdad (727-823) in the recently released book The History of Apologetics. In the chapter, we discuss the context of the Eastern Church under Muslim rule and…
Topic: Book Review, Eschatology, Islamophobia, Apologetics, Book Review, Dialogue, Book Review
Book Review: Margins of Islam: Ministry in Diverse Muslim Contexts (2018), edited by Gene Daniels and Warrick Farah and published by William Carey Publishing. Reviewed by Warren Larson, Senior Research Fellow and Professor, Zwemer Center for Muslim Studies, Columbia International…
Topic: Book Review, Eschatology, Islamophobia, Apologetics, Book Review, Dialogue, Book Review, Book Review, Comparative Religion
The Muslim World (TMW) is one of the leading academic journals covering Islam worldwide. Strange it would call its own history “bigoted”. It was founded in 1911 by Samuel Zwemer, a founding father of Protestant missions in engagement with the…
Topic: Book Review, Eschatology, Islamophobia, Apologetics, Book Review, Dialogue, Book Review, Book Review, Comparative Religion, Book Review, Mission and Evangelism
In his book, “A Wind in the House of Islam,” David Garrison seeks to understand and describe the people movements to Christ that are increasingly taking place throughout the Muslim world (6). According to Garrison, eighty-four percent of all the…
Topic: Book Review, Eschatology, Islamophobia, Apologetics, Book Review, Dialogue, Book Review, Book Review, Comparative Religion, Book Review, Mission and Evangelism, Book Review, Comparative Religion, Samuel Zwemer
The Muslim World (TMW) is one of the leading academic journals covering Islam worldwide. Strange it would call its own history “bigoted”. It was founded in 1911 by Samuel Zwemer, a founding father of Protestant missions in engagement with the…
Topic: Book Review, Eschatology, Islamophobia, Apologetics, Book Review, Dialogue, Book Review, Book Review, Comparative Religion, Book Review, Mission and Evangelism, Book Review, Comparative Religion, Samuel Zwemer, Book Review
David W. Shenk. Christian.Muslim.Friend: Twelve Paths to Real Relationship. Harrisonburg, VA: Herald Press, 2014. Christian.Muslim.Friend is a new work from David Shenk, a Mennonite missionary who has served in Somalia, Kenya, the USA, and continually engages in peaceful dialogue with…
Topic: Book Review, Eschatology, Islamophobia, Apologetics, Book Review, Dialogue, Book Review, Book Review, Comparative Religion, Book Review, Mission and Evangelism, Book Review, Comparative Religion, Samuel Zwemer, Book Review, Book Review
Can you hear it? A wind is blowing through the house of Islam. Muslims around the world are becoming followers of Jesus. Once again David Garrison is out ahead of missiologists and the academe with his distinct yet simply historical…
Topic: Book Review, Eschatology, Islamophobia, Apologetics, Book Review, Dialogue, Book Review, Book Review, Comparative Religion, Book Review, Mission and Evangelism, Book Review, Comparative Religion, Samuel Zwemer, Book Review, Book Review, Book Review, Comparative Religion
Reza Aslan’s book Zealot shot to the top of the bestseller list due to a notorious interview on Fox News, where Lauren Green began by asking the author why a Muslim would write about Christianity’s founder. Reza Aslan grew up…
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The Unseen Reality: A Panoramic View of Spiritual Warfare