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Topic: Comparative Religion, Mission and Evangelism
The speaker at a large Bible conference, advocating for adherence to the fundamentals of faith and seeking to stir controversy, commented that there were missionaries who actually used “Allah,” the Muslim name for God, in their Christian witness. The statement…
Topic: Comparative Religion, Mission and Evangelism, Book Review, Comparative Religion
The Muslim World (TMW) is one of the leading academic journals covering Islam worldwide. Strange it would call its own history “bigoted”. It was founded in 1911 by Samuel Zwemer, a founding father of Protestant missions in engagement with the…
Topic: Comparative Religion, Mission and Evangelism, Book Review, Comparative Religion, Apologetics, Comparative Religion, Qur'an
The Qur’an presents itself as the Bible’s sequel and always refers to the biblical Torah (al-tawrat), Psalms (al-zabur) and New Testament (al-injil) with honor and respect. It says it confirms, clarifies and guards them from misinterpretation. The Qur’an asserts that…
Topic: Comparative Religion, Mission and Evangelism, Book Review, Comparative Religion, Apologetics, Comparative Religion, Qur'an, Book Review, Comparative Religion, Samuel Zwemer
The Muslim World (TMW) is one of the leading academic journals covering Islam worldwide. Strange it would call its own history “bigoted”. It was founded in 1911 by Samuel Zwemer, a founding father of Protestant missions in engagement with the…
Topic: Comparative Religion, Mission and Evangelism, Book Review, Comparative Religion, Apologetics, Comparative Religion, Qur'an, Book Review, Comparative Religion, Samuel Zwemer, Comparative Religion
As a messianic Jew, I have been following very carefully the controversy surrounding Dr. Larycia Hawkins, the political science professor who was suspended from Wheaton College after saying Christians and Muslims “worship the same God.” In this piece, I am not taking…
Topic: Comparative Religion, Mission and Evangelism, Book Review, Comparative Religion, Apologetics, Comparative Religion, Qur'an, Book Review, Comparative Religion, Samuel Zwemer, Comparative Religion, American Muslims, Comparative Religion, Mission and Evangelism
Recent research by LifeWay Research, under the leadership of Ed Stetzer, suggests that American views on Islam are very much polarized, particularly among pastors. What is most surprising is that while some protestant pastors see Islam in a more favorable…
Topic: Comparative Religion, Mission and Evangelism, Book Review, Comparative Religion, Apologetics, Comparative Religion, Qur'an, Book Review, Comparative Religion, Samuel Zwemer, Comparative Religion, American Muslims, Comparative Religion, Mission and Evangelism, Comparative Religion, Dialogue, Quran & Hadith
Years ago I had a conversation with a Muslim who was being critical of the Bible for several reasons. One that I found very interesting was that he thought it was horrible that the Bible portrayed Jesus as a terrorist. …
Topic: Comparative Religion, Mission and Evangelism, Book Review, Comparative Religion, Apologetics, Comparative Religion, Qur'an, Book Review, Comparative Religion, Samuel Zwemer, Comparative Religion, American Muslims, Comparative Religion, Mission and Evangelism, Comparative Religion, Dialogue, Quran & Hadith, Comparative Religion, Faith & Practice
Before my family moved to Pakistan, prayer was relegated to the Sunday morning church service, the evening service and Wednesday night prayer meeting at McLauren Baptist Church. Our family had “family devotions–a daily time for short Bible readings and prayers–and…
Topic: Comparative Religion, Mission and Evangelism, Book Review, Comparative Religion, Apologetics, Comparative Religion, Qur'an, Book Review, Comparative Religion, Samuel Zwemer, Comparative Religion, American Muslims, Comparative Religion, Mission and Evangelism, Comparative Religion, Dialogue, Quran & Hadith, Comparative Religion, Faith & Practice, Comparative Religion, Dialogue
Several years ago I took a class of graduate students at a Christian university to a mosque to meet Muslims. The mosque had a new man in charge of da’wah (evangelism or literally “invitation”) who proceeded to tell us what the Bible really…
Topic: Comparative Religion, Mission and Evangelism, Book Review, Comparative Religion, Apologetics, Comparative Religion, Qur'an, Book Review, Comparative Religion, Samuel Zwemer, Comparative Religion, American Muslims, Comparative Religion, Mission and Evangelism, Comparative Religion, Dialogue, Quran & Hadith, Comparative Religion, Faith & Practice, Comparative Religion, Dialogue, Comparative Religion, Culture and Worldview, Mission and Evangelism
Stumbling blocks that inhibit ministry to Muslims include fear, obtaining information from biased and sensationalized sources, and in-groups being prejudiced against out-groups. Fortunately, these hindrances can be addressed, and solutions exist that can move Christians toward being better prepared for…
Topic: Comparative Religion, Mission and Evangelism, Book Review, Comparative Religion, Apologetics, Comparative Religion, Qur'an, Book Review, Comparative Religion, Samuel Zwemer, Comparative Religion, American Muslims, Comparative Religion, Mission and Evangelism, Comparative Religion, Dialogue, Quran & Hadith, Comparative Religion, Faith & Practice, Comparative Religion, Dialogue, Comparative Religion, Culture and Worldview, Mission and Evangelism, Comparative Religion, History & Politics, Radicalism
WHAT DO WE MEAN BY ‘POLITICAL ISLAM’ AND HOW DOES IT DIFFER FROM OTHER KINDS OF ISLAM? I hope we’ve all got past the stage of speaking about ‘Islamic fundamentalism’ and begun to get used to ‘Islamism’, ‘political Islam’ or…
Topic: Comparative Religion, Mission and Evangelism, Book Review, Comparative Religion, Apologetics, Comparative Religion, Qur'an, Book Review, Comparative Religion, Samuel Zwemer, Comparative Religion, American Muslims, Comparative Religion, Mission and Evangelism, Comparative Religion, Dialogue, Quran & Hadith, Comparative Religion, Faith & Practice, Comparative Religion, Dialogue, Comparative Religion, Culture and Worldview, Mission and Evangelism, Comparative Religion, History & Politics, Radicalism, Comparative Religion, Culture and Worldview
As an Iranian-American, I often get asked about the crisis in the Muslim world and how to counter radicalization. I try to lean into the conversation, knowing a lot of sincere people are grasping for solutions. After the Iraq War,…
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The Unseen Reality: A Panoramic View of Spiritual Warfare