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Topic: Folk Islam, Ramadan
Muslims believe there is a specific night that comes only once a year—a night that is exceptionally divine, tremendously sacred, and extremely rewarding. This night comes during the most sacred Muslim month, Ramadan. Islam is built on five pillars or…
Topic: Folk Islam, Ramadan, Pillars
There is an air of anticipation in the Muslim world. Ramadan is coming. Women are swapping special recipes and planning meals. Everyone is out shopping, so store fronts are covered in Ramadan lights and religious symbols. Families are discussing travel…
Topic: Folk Islam, Ramadan, Pillars, Faith & Practice, Ramadan
Most Americans would be unaware that Ramadan, the Muslim month of fasting, begins June 18 this year. Many would only be casually aware that this is one of the five pillars of Islam; the date changes each year due to…
Topic: Folk Islam, Ramadan, Pillars, Faith & Practice, Ramadan, Comparative Religion, Culture and Worldview
As an Iranian-American, I often get asked about the crisis in the Muslim world and how to counter radicalization. I try to lean into the conversation, knowing a lot of sincere people are grasping for solutions. After the Iraq War,…
Topic: Folk Islam, Ramadan, Pillars, Faith & Practice, Ramadan, Comparative Religion, Culture and Worldview, Faith & Practice, History & Politics, Radicalism
A Muslim woman in Philadelphia was arrested this week and accused of attempting to join ISIS. One of my students asked me why would any Muslim in his right mind join ISIL. I said to her that I can give…
Topic: Folk Islam, Ramadan, Pillars, Faith & Practice, Ramadan, Comparative Religion, Culture and Worldview, Faith & Practice, History & Politics, Radicalism, Faith & Practice, Middle East, Radicalism
CAIRO (BP) — Egypt’s president, in a move applauded by conservative Western media, is challenging senior Muslim clerics to reform their teachings rather than fuel extremist ideologies that have led to widespread terrorism in the name of Islam. Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi,…
Topic: Folk Islam, Ramadan, Pillars, Faith & Practice, Ramadan, Comparative Religion, Culture and Worldview, Faith & Practice, History & Politics, Radicalism, Faith & Practice, Middle East, Radicalism, Comparative Religion, Dialogue, Mission and Evangelism
Christians and Muslims in America have an image problem. The rest of the world sees us as intolerant, belligerent, prideful, nationalistic, and extremist. As the daughter of Christian and Muslim parents, I feel like a kid stuck in a bad…
Topic: Folk Islam, Ramadan, Pillars, Faith & Practice, Ramadan, Comparative Religion, Culture and Worldview, Faith & Practice, History & Politics, Radicalism, Faith & Practice, Middle East, Radicalism, Comparative Religion, Dialogue, Mission and Evangelism, Comparative Religion, Faith & Practice
Last year my church held a Seder (a special meal during Pesach—Passover). Over 280 people showed up to have a rabbi lead us through the Haggadah (a booklet containing the prayers and actions comprising the Seder) and explain the symbolism in…
Topic: Folk Islam, Ramadan, Pillars, Faith & Practice, Ramadan, Comparative Religion, Culture and Worldview, Faith & Practice, History & Politics, Radicalism, Faith & Practice, Middle East, Radicalism, Comparative Religion, Dialogue, Mission and Evangelism, Comparative Religion, Faith & Practice, Comparative Religion, Faith & Practice
Islamic traditions about Jesus are one indication of how much Muslims respect Jesus. When Muhammad took over Mecca in AD 630, he cleansed the Ka’aba of idols, and destroyed all icons except the Virgin Mary and her son. Those he…
Topic: Folk Islam, Ramadan, Pillars, Faith & Practice, Ramadan, Comparative Religion, Culture and Worldview, Faith & Practice, History & Politics, Radicalism, Faith & Practice, Middle East, Radicalism, Comparative Religion, Dialogue, Mission and Evangelism, Comparative Religion, Faith & Practice, Comparative Religion, Faith & Practice, Book Review, Comparative Religion
Reza Aslan’s book Zealot shot to the top of the bestseller list due to a notorious interview on Fox News, where Lauren Green began by asking the author why a Muslim would write about Christianity’s founder. Reza Aslan grew up…
Topic: Folk Islam, Ramadan, Pillars, Faith & Practice, Ramadan, Comparative Religion, Culture and Worldview, Faith & Practice, History & Politics, Radicalism, Faith & Practice, Middle East, Radicalism, Comparative Religion, Dialogue, Mission and Evangelism, Comparative Religion, Faith & Practice, Comparative Religion, Faith & Practice, Book Review, Comparative Religion, Comparative Religion, Mission and Evangelism
The speaker at a large Bible conference, advocating for adherence to the fundamentals of faith and seeking to stir controversy, commented that there were missionaries who actually used “Allah,” the Muslim name for God, in their Christian witness. The statement…
Ebooks & Books

The Unseen Reality: A Panoramic View of Spiritual Warfare