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Topic: Culture and Worldview, Muslim Women, Culture and Worldview
The rise of secularism is leading many Muslims away from the Islamic faith. A 2017 Pew Research Center survey of American Muslims reveals that about 24% of those raised in Islam have left the faith. This trend is not just…
Topic: Culture and Worldview, Muslim Women, Culture and Worldview, Culture and Worldview, Muslim Women
Courses and books on Muslim Women are often seen as peripheral materials. This is odd when you consider that women make up at least half the Muslim world, amounting to one billion people. Because the Muslim world is largely gendered,…
Topic: Culture and Worldview, Muslim Women, Culture and Worldview, Culture and Worldview, Muslim Women, Culture and Worldview, Refugees
The soon arrival of thousands of Afghan refugees reminds me of interviews I did with three young men from Kabul back in 2016. Each of them were part of the Afghan Special Immigrant Visas program (SIV) that provides a path…
Topic: Culture and Worldview, Muslim Women, Culture and Worldview, Culture and Worldview, Muslim Women, Culture and Worldview, Refugees, Refugees
Afghanistan. The land that has mystified and defeated would-be colonizers and conquerors for centuries, now on every social media account known to our current world. Suddenly, everyone has a friend in Afghanistan. It’s uncanny and a bit unnerving. They join…
Topic: Culture and Worldview, Muslim Women, Culture and Worldview, Culture and Worldview, Muslim Women, Culture and Worldview, Refugees, Refugees, Culture and Worldview, Radicalism
Herod’s slaughter of the innocents in Bethlehem over two thousand years ago was a crime of the same order as those committed by modern day terrorists. The massacre is so often forgotten in the recalling of the birth of Jesus,…
Topic: Culture and Worldview, Muslim Women, Culture and Worldview, Culture and Worldview, Muslim Women, Culture and Worldview, Refugees, Refugees, Culture and Worldview, Radicalism, Middle East, Refugees
I was born in the same year Lebanon entered into what would become sixteen years of civil war. During the years of Syrian occupation, our people were killed, our women raped, our national resources plundered, and our dignity stolen. I remember…
Topic: Culture and Worldview, Muslim Women, Culture and Worldview, Culture and Worldview, Muslim Women, Culture and Worldview, Refugees, Refugees, Culture and Worldview, Radicalism, Middle East, Refugees, Culture and Worldview, Identity, Middle East
I am a native Lebanese citizen. I was born and raised in Lebanon. I love Lebanon, despite the insecurity, uncertainty, and corruption that characterize the country, and despite having grown up during the civil war. Lebanon has left its mark…
Topic: Culture and Worldview, Muslim Women, Culture and Worldview, Culture and Worldview, Muslim Women, Culture and Worldview, Refugees, Refugees, Culture and Worldview, Radicalism, Middle East, Refugees, Culture and Worldview, Identity, Middle East, Culture and Worldview, Europe, Radicalism, Regional
Several times recently I have been asked by concerned Christians questions along the lines of “will Muslims take over in the UK/the West?” or “how should we respond to the violence of Jihadists/ Islamic State etc?”. My precise answer depends…
Topic: Culture and Worldview, Muslim Women, Culture and Worldview, Culture and Worldview, Muslim Women, Culture and Worldview, Refugees, Refugees, Culture and Worldview, Radicalism, Middle East, Refugees, Culture and Worldview, Identity, Middle East, Culture and Worldview, Europe, Radicalism, Regional, Comparative Religion, Culture and Worldview, Mission and Evangelism
Stumbling blocks that inhibit ministry to Muslims include fear, obtaining information from biased and sensationalized sources, and in-groups being prejudiced against out-groups. Fortunately, these hindrances can be addressed, and solutions exist that can move Christians toward being better prepared for…
Topic: Culture and Worldview, Muslim Women, Culture and Worldview, Culture and Worldview, Muslim Women, Culture and Worldview, Refugees, Refugees, Culture and Worldview, Radicalism, Middle East, Refugees, Culture and Worldview, Identity, Middle East, Culture and Worldview, Europe, Radicalism, Regional, Comparative Religion, Culture and Worldview, Mission and Evangelism, Culture and Worldview, Muhammad, Theology & Law
Hearing about two gunmen killed in Texas at an event that included a contest for drawing Muhammad cartoons, my first thought was of a Hindu friend, Prem. I lived in India in my early 20s and had the joy of…
Topic: Culture and Worldview, Muslim Women, Culture and Worldview, Culture and Worldview, Muslim Women, Culture and Worldview, Refugees, Refugees, Culture and Worldview, Radicalism, Middle East, Refugees, Culture and Worldview, Identity, Middle East, Culture and Worldview, Europe, Radicalism, Regional, Comparative Religion, Culture and Worldview, Mission and Evangelism, Culture and Worldview, Muhammad, Theology & Law, American Muslims, Culture and Worldview, Education & Society
Most of us have heard about the “Draw Muhammad” cartoon contest in which two Muslims were killed and a security guard wounded.The event was sponsored by Pamela Geller, President of the American Freedom Defense Initiative, an anti-Shari’ah organization. On this…
Ebooks & Books

The Unseen Reality: A Panoramic View of Spiritual Warfare