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Topic: Mission and Evangelism, Zwemer
A note about Muslim ministry from the Zwemer Center’s Director, I was 18 years old when the Lord placed a burden on my heart to bring the gospel to Muslims. A year later, I married my high school sweetheart, who…
Topic: Mission and Evangelism, Zwemer, Shariah Law
In some places, non-Muslims are experiencing enormous restrictions on their human rights in countries where Islamic Sharia law forms the basis of the constitution. It is part of the self-image of such countries to protect and promote Islam, while members…
Topic: Mission and Evangelism, Zwemer, Shariah Law, Israel and Palestine
I hope I hardly need to point out that we are dealing here with one of the most complex, bitter and long-standing conflicts in the world in the last 100 years, and that this conflict has far-reaching implications for the…
Topic: Mission and Evangelism, Zwemer, Shariah Law, Israel and Palestine, Dialogue, Mission and Evangelism
Christianity and Islam have many similarities as well as significant differences. Throughout history, the relationship between Christians and Muslims has ebbed and flowed between peaceful coexistence, avoidance, and violence. Even during times of peace, mutual misunderstandings often pervade, leading to…
Topic: Mission and Evangelism, Zwemer, Shariah Law, Israel and Palestine, Dialogue, Mission and Evangelism, Faith & Practice
The world is in a mess, with Muslim nations seemingly experiencing more than their share of struggles. Not long ago, news focused on the utter devastation and death caused by a massive earthquake in Southern Turkey and Northern Syria. In…
Topic: Mission and Evangelism, Zwemer, Shariah Law, Israel and Palestine, Dialogue, Mission and Evangelism, Faith & Practice, Culture and Worldview, Muslim Women
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Topic: Mission and Evangelism, Zwemer, Shariah Law, Israel and Palestine, Dialogue, Mission and Evangelism, Faith & Practice, Culture and Worldview, Muslim Women, Faith & Practice
Over the last decade or two, the question of whether Muslims and Christians worship the same God has reared its head at fairly frequent intervals. A recent contribution to the debate, published in March 2021, is Andy Bannister’s Do Muslims…
Topic: Mission and Evangelism, Zwemer, Shariah Law, Israel and Palestine, Dialogue, Mission and Evangelism, Faith & Practice, Culture and Worldview, Muslim Women, Faith & Practice, Book Review, Eschatology, Islamophobia
In 2006 Joel Richardson made a splash in the evangelical world with his inaugural work, Islamic Antichrist: The Shocking Truth About the Real Nature of the Beast, in which he argues for an Islamic Antichrist, drawing parallels between biblical and…
Topic: Mission and Evangelism, Zwemer, Shariah Law, Israel and Palestine, Dialogue, Mission and Evangelism, Faith & Practice, Culture and Worldview, Muslim Women, Faith & Practice, Book Review, Eschatology, Islamophobia, Culture and Worldview
The rise of secularism is leading many Muslims away from the Islamic faith. A 2017 Pew Research Center survey of American Muslims reveals that about 24% of those raised in Islam have left the faith. This trend is not just…
Topic: Mission and Evangelism, Zwemer, Shariah Law, Israel and Palestine, Dialogue, Mission and Evangelism, Faith & Practice, Culture and Worldview, Muslim Women, Faith & Practice, Book Review, Eschatology, Islamophobia, Culture and Worldview, Africa, Faith & Practice, Folk Islam
Prior to the rise of Islam, Somalis adhered to an ancient religion known as Ebbe Waaq, a complex polytheistic belief system. However, strong evidence also suggests pre-Islamic monotheism in the region, such as the Yibr clan who claim direct lineage…
Topic: Mission and Evangelism, Zwemer, Shariah Law, Israel and Palestine, Dialogue, Mission and Evangelism, Faith & Practice, Culture and Worldview, Muslim Women, Faith & Practice, Book Review, Eschatology, Islamophobia, Culture and Worldview, Africa, Faith & Practice, Folk Islam, Culture and Worldview, Muslim Women
Courses and books on Muslim Women are often seen as peripheral materials. This is odd when you consider that women make up at least half the Muslim world, amounting to one billion people. Because the Muslim world is largely gendered,…
Ebooks & Books

The Unseen Reality: A Panoramic View of Spiritual Warfare