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Topic: Faith & Practice, Muslim Women, Muslim Women, Quran & Hadith
Although some Muslim women have gained basic equality with men, other are still held in low regard and denied basic human rights. This session will help trace such thinking back to roots in ancient Islamic traditions, or Hadith. Session 9…
Topic: Faith & Practice, Muslim Women, Muslim Women, Quran & Hadith, Muslim Women
Did you know that there are more references to Mary the mother of Jesus in the Qur’an than in the Bible? Mary is considered a shining example of willing submission to God by Muslims. Can this reaction be a bridge…
Topic: Faith & Practice, Muslim Women, Muslim Women, Quran & Hadith, Muslim Women, Education & Society, Muslim Women
Three more issues affecting the quality of women’s lives: divorce, inheritance, and singleness. Your primary goal should be to get a good understanding of Quranic teaching. It would also be interesting to contrast this with biblical teaching. Session 07 Outline
Topic: Faith & Practice, Muslim Women, Muslim Women, Quran & Hadith, Muslim Women, Education & Society, Muslim Women, Education & Society
Continuing our study of the Qur’an, you will now investigate its teaching about family, especially the emphasis on children and elderly parents. Contrast that with what you’ll learn about polygamy. Session 6 Outline
Topic: Faith & Practice, Muslim Women, Muslim Women, Quran & Hadith, Muslim Women, Education & Society, Muslim Women, Education & Society, Muslim Women
We often view Muslim women as figures enveloped by the folds and veils of their burqas with their children in tow. What is the Quranic view of women? Are they oppressed? You’ll begin to understand this in the next two…
Topic: Faith & Practice, Muslim Women, Muslim Women, Quran & Hadith, Muslim Women, Education & Society, Muslim Women, Education & Society, Muslim Women, Education & Society
Be ready to rethink all your cultural categories and practices! Ms. Stacey gives you an excellent checklist to begin your analysis. And remember that your new Muslim friends will be interested to know your customs and patterns as well! Session…
Topic: Faith & Practice, Muslim Women, Muslim Women, Quran & Hadith, Muslim Women, Education & Society, Muslim Women, Education & Society, Muslim Women, Education & Society, Education & Society
Ask somebody about “worldview” and you may get a blank stare, even though our worldview exerts a powerful influence on how we reason and interact in society. Start analyzing your own worldview and a Muslim worldview. Session 03 Outline
Topic: Faith & Practice, Muslim Women, Muslim Women, Quran & Hadith, Muslim Women, Education & Society, Muslim Women, Education & Society, Muslim Women, Education & Society, Education & Society, Muslim Women
In this session Ms. Stacey will teach us one of the most important ministry lessons we can learn: even as we immerse ourselves in studying another culture and worldview, remember that people are first people–made in the image of God. Session…
Topic: Faith & Practice, Muslim Women, Muslim Women, Quran & Hadith, Muslim Women, Education & Society, Muslim Women, Education & Society, Muslim Women, Education & Society, Education & Society, Muslim Women, Book Review, Comparative Religion
Reza Aslan’s book Zealot shot to the top of the bestseller list due to a notorious interview on Fox News, where Lauren Green began by asking the author why a Muslim would write about Christianity’s founder. Reza Aslan grew up…
Topic: Faith & Practice, Muslim Women, Muslim Women, Quran & Hadith, Muslim Women, Education & Society, Muslim Women, Education & Society, Muslim Women, Education & Society, Education & Society, Muslim Women, Book Review, Comparative Religion, Comparative Religion, Mission and Evangelism
The speaker at a large Bible conference, advocating for adherence to the fundamentals of faith and seeking to stir controversy, commented that there were missionaries who actually used “Allah,” the Muslim name for God, in their Christian witness. The statement…
Topic: Faith & Practice, Muslim Women, Muslim Women, Quran & Hadith, Muslim Women, Education & Society, Muslim Women, Education & Society, Muslim Women, Education & Society, Education & Society, Muslim Women, Book Review, Comparative Religion, Comparative Religion, Mission and Evangelism, Culture and Worldview, ISIS, Middle East
The Charlie Hebdo attacks in France shocked the Western world when, once again, Muslims seemed to act violently against them. In recent days people have taken sides, as confrontation leads them to farther and farther extremes. Those in the West…
Ebooks & Books

The Unseen Reality: A Panoramic View of Spiritual Warfare