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Topic: Comparative Religion, Mission and Evangelism
The speaker at a large Bible conference, advocating for adherence to the fundamentals of faith and seeking to stir controversy, commented that there were missionaries who actually used “Allah,” the Muslim name for God, in their Christian witness. The statement…
Topic: Comparative Religion, Mission and Evangelism, Mission and Evangelism, Radicalism
The first Christian century was a brutal one for a growing minority who dared profess their faith as followers of Jesus Christ. Believers encountered a double whammy of injustice and persecution from leaders of the prevailing religious structure who despised…
Topic: Comparative Religion, Mission and Evangelism, Mission and Evangelism, Radicalism, Faith & Practice, Ramadan
Most Americans would be unaware that Ramadan, the Muslim month of fasting, begins June 18 this year. Many would only be casually aware that this is one of the five pillars of Islam; the date changes each year due to…
Topic: Comparative Religion, Mission and Evangelism, Mission and Evangelism, Radicalism, Faith & Practice, Ramadan, Zwemer
Founded in 1979 at the U.S. Center for World Mission, the Zwemer Institute became a major resource and training center for Christians seeking to engage Muslims with the gospel. This need was highlighted with the emergence of the Lausanne Movement…
Topic: Comparative Religion, Mission and Evangelism, Mission and Evangelism, Radicalism, Faith & Practice, Ramadan, Zwemer, Comparative Religion, Mission and Evangelism
The speaker at a large Bible conference, advocating for adherence to the fundamentals of faith and seeking to stir controversy, commented that there were missionaries who actually used “Allah,” the Muslim name for God, in their Christian witness. The statement…
Ebooks & Books

The Unseen Reality: A Panoramic View of Spiritual Warfare