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Topic: Culture and Worldview, Faith & Practice
This session gives one more look at the radical changes affecting Islamic societies all over the world. As you listen, pay particular attention to the issues facing Muslim youth, noting that their Muslim mothers have these problems on their hearts.…
Topic: Culture and Worldview, Faith & Practice, Culture and Worldview, Faith & Practice
We tend to think of Islam as a historical religion, focusing our attention on the Qur’an, hadith, and traditional cultural practices and customs. But Islam is in a state of flux just like the rest of the post-modern world. This…
Topic: Culture and Worldview, Faith & Practice, Culture and Worldview, Faith & Practice, Culture and Worldview, Faith & Practice
You need to understand the concept of post-modernity, a mindset toward truth and life that increasingly permeates the “global village”transmitted by the media and shared experience. It affects how people hear and understand the Qur’an and the Bible. Session 41…
Topic: Culture and Worldview, Faith & Practice, Culture and Worldview, Faith & Practice, Culture and Worldview, Faith & Practice, Culture and Worldview, Faith & Practice, Mission and Evangelism
Learning about Muslim beliefs and practices concerning death and funerals should stimulate you to think through how both Muslim and Christian rites can be used as bridges to the communication of the Good News of Jesus. Session 30 Outline
Topic: Culture and Worldview, Faith & Practice, Culture and Worldview, Faith & Practice, Culture and Worldview, Faith & Practice, Culture and Worldview, Faith & Practice, Mission and Evangelism, Faith & Practice, Theology & Law
Muhammad never claimed to be God, nor does the Qur’an make such a claim. Yet well known Islamic literature sometimes promotes veneration spiraling toward a deification. Be sure you understand why this is so. Session 21 Outline
Topic: Culture and Worldview, Faith & Practice, Culture and Worldview, Faith & Practice, Culture and Worldview, Faith & Practice, Culture and Worldview, Faith & Practice, Mission and Evangelism, Faith & Practice, Theology & Law, Faith & Practice, Muslim Women
After a clarification of some very important terms and concepts, you’ll learn how Muhammad’s wives serve as role models for Muslim women and girls. Session 10 Outline
Ebooks & Books
The Unseen Reality: A Panoramic View of Spiritual Warfare