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Topic: Comparative Religion, Samuel Zwemer's Books, Zwemer, Zwemer Archives
Zwemer-Origin of Religion The Origin of Religion: Evolution  or Revelation BASED ON THE SMYTH LECTURES DELIVERED AT COLUMBIA THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY DECATUR, GEORGIA, 1935
Topic: Comparative Religion, Samuel Zwemer's Books, Zwemer, Zwemer Archives, Faith & Practice, Ramadan
In post 9/11 anti-Muslim discourse, taqiyya has been redefined as a religious obligation for Muslims to lie to non-Muslims not simply for survival, but in order to serve the expansionist agenda of their religious community. According to the taqiyya-focused strand of the anti-Muslim…
Topic: Comparative Religion, Samuel Zwemer's Books, Zwemer, Zwemer Archives, Faith & Practice, Ramadan, Book Review, Comparative Religion, Samuel Zwemer
The Muslim World (TMW) is one of the leading academic journals covering Islam worldwide. Strange it would call its own history “bigoted”. It was founded in 1911 by Samuel Zwemer, a founding father of Protestant missions in engagement with the…
Topic: Comparative Religion, Samuel Zwemer's Books, Zwemer, Zwemer Archives, Faith & Practice, Ramadan, Book Review, Comparative Religion, Samuel Zwemer, Faith & Practice, Folk Islam
The 2016 hajj (pilgrimage) has just ended, and it was a very public event indeed, watched on television by millions of people all over the world.  As the last of five pillars, the Qur’an says the religion has now been…
Topic: Comparative Religion, Samuel Zwemer's Books, Zwemer, Zwemer Archives, Faith & Practice, Ramadan, Book Review, Comparative Religion, Samuel Zwemer, Faith & Practice, Folk Islam, Faith & Practice, Spirituality & Philosophy
I have been a professional philosopher for about 30 years, which means that for 30 years I have spent my life answering two major questions: “What does a philosopher do?” “Why would anyone want to do that?” Both are good…
Topic: Comparative Religion, Samuel Zwemer's Books, Zwemer, Zwemer Archives, Faith & Practice, Ramadan, Book Review, Comparative Religion, Samuel Zwemer, Faith & Practice, Folk Islam, Faith & Practice, Spirituality & Philosophy, Comparative Religion
As a messianic Jew, I have been following very carefully the controversy surrounding Dr. Larycia Hawkins, the political science professor who was suspended from Wheaton College after saying Christians and Muslims “worship the same God.” In this piece, I am not taking…
Topic: Comparative Religion, Samuel Zwemer's Books, Zwemer, Zwemer Archives, Faith & Practice, Ramadan, Book Review, Comparative Religion, Samuel Zwemer, Faith & Practice, Folk Islam, Faith & Practice, Spirituality & Philosophy, Comparative Religion, American Muslims, Comparative Religion, Mission and Evangelism
Recent research by LifeWay Research, under the leadership of Ed Stetzer, suggests that American views on Islam are very much polarized, particularly among  pastors.  What is most surprising is that while some protestant pastors see Islam in a more favorable…
Topic: Comparative Religion, Samuel Zwemer's Books, Zwemer, Zwemer Archives, Faith & Practice, Ramadan, Book Review, Comparative Religion, Samuel Zwemer, Faith & Practice, Folk Islam, Faith & Practice, Spirituality & Philosophy, Comparative Religion, American Muslims, Comparative Religion, Mission and Evangelism, Faith & Practice, Mission and Evangelism
My first year after leaving Islam and coming to Christ was wild–a roller coaster of emotions. I have often said that being Muslim is to be in a crowded universe. I had the habit of using Arabic phrases, like Insha’Allah…
Topic: Comparative Religion, Samuel Zwemer's Books, Zwemer, Zwemer Archives, Faith & Practice, Ramadan, Book Review, Comparative Religion, Samuel Zwemer, Faith & Practice, Folk Islam, Faith & Practice, Spirituality & Philosophy, Comparative Religion, American Muslims, Comparative Religion, Mission and Evangelism, Faith & Practice, Mission and Evangelism, Comparative Religion, Dialogue, Quran & Hadith
Years ago I had a conversation with a Muslim who was being critical of the Bible for several reasons.  One that I found very interesting was that he thought it was horrible that the Bible portrayed Jesus as a terrorist. …
Topic: Comparative Religion, Samuel Zwemer's Books, Zwemer, Zwemer Archives, Faith & Practice, Ramadan, Book Review, Comparative Religion, Samuel Zwemer, Faith & Practice, Folk Islam, Faith & Practice, Spirituality & Philosophy, Comparative Religion, American Muslims, Comparative Religion, Mission and Evangelism, Faith & Practice, Mission and Evangelism, Comparative Religion, Dialogue, Quran & Hadith, Faith & Practice, Mission and Evangelism
Many Christians are unaware that Muslims believe in sacrifice. In fact, there is an annual celebration that commemorates Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son and God’s merciful provision of a substitute ram in his son’s place. The celebration is called…
Topic: Comparative Religion, Samuel Zwemer's Books, Zwemer, Zwemer Archives, Faith & Practice, Ramadan, Book Review, Comparative Religion, Samuel Zwemer, Faith & Practice, Folk Islam, Faith & Practice, Spirituality & Philosophy, Comparative Religion, American Muslims, Comparative Religion, Mission and Evangelism, Faith & Practice, Mission and Evangelism, Comparative Religion, Dialogue, Quran & Hadith, Faith & Practice, Mission and Evangelism, Comparative Religion, Faith & Practice
Before my family moved to Pakistan, prayer was relegated to the Sunday morning church service, the evening service and Wednesday night prayer meeting at McLauren Baptist Church. Our family had “family devotions–a daily time for short Bible readings and prayers–and…
Topic: Comparative Religion, Samuel Zwemer's Books, Zwemer, Zwemer Archives, Faith & Practice, Ramadan, Book Review, Comparative Religion, Samuel Zwemer, Faith & Practice, Folk Islam, Faith & Practice, Spirituality & Philosophy, Comparative Religion, American Muslims, Comparative Religion, Mission and Evangelism, Faith & Practice, Mission and Evangelism, Comparative Religion, Dialogue, Quran & Hadith, Faith & Practice, Mission and Evangelism, Comparative Religion, Faith & Practice, Comparative Religion, Dialogue
Several years ago I took a class of graduate students at a Christian university to a mosque to meet Muslims. The mosque had a new man in charge of da’wah (evangelism or literally “invitation”) who proceeded to tell us what the Bible really…
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The Unseen Reality: A Panoramic View of Spiritual Warfare
The Unseen Reality: A Panoramic View of Spiritual Warfare
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