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Topic: American Muslims, History & Politics
Around 1.6 billion Muslims inhabit the world today, and an estimated three to seven million reside in the United States. Despite the fact that Muslims are the largest unreached people group, only 2% of Protestant Christian missionaries are engaging the…
Topic: American Muslims, History & Politics, Culture and Worldview, Muhammad, Theology & Law
Hearing about two gunmen killed in Texas at an event that included a contest for drawing Muhammad cartoons, my first thought was of a Hindu friend, Prem. I lived in India in my early 20s and had the joy of…
Topic: American Muslims, History & Politics, Culture and Worldview, Muhammad, Theology & Law, Faith & Practice, History & Politics, History & Politics, Israel and Palestine, History & Politics, Middle East, Radicalism
Every few days, we seem to wake up to another massacre committed by ISIS. And these are, of course, only the ones that the media reports. ISIS, in reality, is committing massacres on a daily basis. We have become familiar…
Topic: American Muslims, History & Politics, Culture and Worldview, Muhammad, Theology & Law, Faith & Practice, History & Politics, History & Politics, Israel and Palestine, History & Politics, Middle East, Radicalism, Faith & Practice, History & Politics, Radicalism
A Muslim woman in Philadelphia was arrested this week and accused of attempting to join ISIS. One of my students asked me why would any Muslim in his right mind join ISIL. I said to her that I can give…
Topic: American Muslims, History & Politics, Culture and Worldview, Muhammad, Theology & Law, Faith & Practice, History & Politics, History & Politics, Israel and Palestine, History & Politics, Middle East, Radicalism, Faith & Practice, History & Politics, Radicalism, History & Politics, ISIS, Mission and Evangelism
During the 5th Crusade St. Francis undertook what most considered a senseless and foolhardy mission: convert the most powerful Muslim in the world. So radical was the Sultan he had promised a Byzantine gold piece for anyone who brought the…
Topic: American Muslims, History & Politics, Culture and Worldview, Muhammad, Theology & Law, Faith & Practice, History & Politics, History & Politics, Israel and Palestine, History & Politics, Middle East, Radicalism, Faith & Practice, History & Politics, Radicalism, History & Politics, ISIS, Mission and Evangelism, History & Politics, Quran & Hadith
Dr. Larson gives some of the history of the collaboration of the Qur’an, also describing Muslims’ views on its history.
Topic: American Muslims, History & Politics, Culture and Worldview, Muhammad, Theology & Law, Faith & Practice, History & Politics, History & Politics, Israel and Palestine, History & Politics, Middle East, Radicalism, Faith & Practice, History & Politics, Radicalism, History & Politics, ISIS, Mission and Evangelism, History & Politics, Quran & Hadith, History & Politics, Muhammad, Quran & Hadith
Dr. Larson splits his lecture into two parts, discussing different aspects of Muhammad and the Qur’an.
Topic: American Muslims, History & Politics, Culture and Worldview, Muhammad, Theology & Law, Faith & Practice, History & Politics, History & Politics, Israel and Palestine, History & Politics, Middle East, Radicalism, Faith & Practice, History & Politics, Radicalism, History & Politics, ISIS, Mission and Evangelism, History & Politics, Quran & Hadith, History & Politics, Muhammad, Quran & Hadith, History & Politics, Muhammad
Dr. Larson describes some of the history of Muhammad’s adult life, including his relationship to Christians.
Topic: American Muslims, History & Politics, Culture and Worldview, Muhammad, Theology & Law, Faith & Practice, History & Politics, History & Politics, Israel and Palestine, History & Politics, Middle East, Radicalism, Faith & Practice, History & Politics, Radicalism, History & Politics, ISIS, Mission and Evangelism, History & Politics, Quran & Hadith, History & Politics, Muhammad, Quran & Hadith, History & Politics, Muhammad, History & Politics, Muhammad
Dr. Larson provides details on Muhammad’s relatives as well as his birth and early life.
Topic: American Muslims, History & Politics, Culture and Worldview, Muhammad, Theology & Law, Faith & Practice, History & Politics, History & Politics, Israel and Palestine, History & Politics, Middle East, Radicalism, Faith & Practice, History & Politics, Radicalism, History & Politics, ISIS, Mission and Evangelism, History & Politics, Quran & Hadith, History & Politics, Muhammad, Quran & Hadith, History & Politics, Muhammad, History & Politics, Muhammad, History & Politics
Dr. Larson overviews some historical highlights from Islam’s history, including its tension with Christianity.
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