The second installment of the Basics of Islam, Trevor shares some similarities between Christianity and Islam and how this came about.
Theme Music by: Nobara Hayakawa – Trail
Sponsor Music by: Drunk Pedestrians – Mean
Interlude Music by: Lee Rosevere – Cicadas Singing as the Mercury Rises, Podington Bear – Afterglow, Jahzzar – Be Nice
Here starts the auto-generated transcription of The Five Pillars of Islam in the Bible?:
Alright. So in the beginning, God created everything from a spoken word. He created Adam from dust, gave him life, gave him a helper named Eve, placed them in a garden surrounded with beautiful trees and animals, and told them not to eat from one very specific tree. Adam and Eve ate from this tree, and as a result, they received God’s punishment. Both Islam and Christianity teach this exact same creation story.
Once again, Muslim terrorists. A terrorist. Islamic extremist. Extremist terrorists of the country. Random justice brutal endeavors.
Of country. They’re random terrorists and brutal endeavors. Newsflash America. These Muslim extremists are are alive and well. They are not dead, and their video is not gratuitous, and it certainly is not irrelevant.
It is a warning. Welcome educate you beyond the media. Here are your hosts, Howard and Trevor. Alright. So I think a lot of people are a bit taken back by the similarities that exist between Islam and Christianity, and they wanna know where are the dividing lines.
Yeah. I always get confused about that stuff. So The more I hear. Right. And so in the last episode, I said the the dividing lines really go after Ishmael and Isaac.
But we have to go a little bit further back. There is an earlier dividing line, and it’s Adam and Eve. Granted, they have a very similar creation story. There is a few nuances that are are different, and I think they’re pretty significant. Alright.
Because wait. Because the story you just told, the creation story, is saying both are the same. Right. And I was careful about how I said it. Okay.
Yeah. Go ahead. Show me. So they the Adam was created, from a clot of dirt in Islam and and God breathed life into him technically. And, Eve, is in Arabic is is given to Adam as a helpmate and they’re told not to eat from the tree of life, actually.
Not the tree of good and evil, which is the Christian narrative, but the tree of life. And they do. One of the reasons that they eat from the the tree of life is they’re deceived by the serpent who is considered to be the shaytan or Iblis or Satan Right. The devil. And they, basically, what happens is they forgot, what God had said.
That’s the way that it’s worded. So this is a huge difference, right, because man’s chief problem in Christianity isn’t forgetfulness. Right. It’s depravity. It’s a desire to, shake our fist in the face of God and have our own will, not his.
Rebellion. Yep. So the chief, problem in Islam is is not, rebelliousness so much as it is forgetfulness of the guidance of Allah. So does it does it explain it by saying like a long time past? No.
No. It doesn’t. I think that that man is prone to forgetfulness. And that and now Muslims do not believe in original sin, but I do think that they believe that man’s memory is corrupted somehow. And and I think actually when you read the text, you do see a little bit of original sin in that the only ones that are, not sinful the only one that’s specifically mentioned is not sinful is Jesus and that’s in one of the hadith that says that at the birth of a child, there’s a cry because he’s touched by the shaytan.
Except for Jesus, he was not touched by the shaytan. He lived a sinless life, and the placenta were sinless, even though they weren’t. Even though they weren’t and they say that they weren’t. That’s just, it’s sort of a standard of belief. Right.
And they do have a hierarchy of sin. There are grave sins, you know, like shirk, which is the greatest thing you could do wrong, which is adding a partner or an associate to God. Oh, like heresy. Well, it’s it’s up the unpardon it’s not unpardonable. I mean, it could be forgiven, but if you die in shirk, meaning that you’ve given God some sort of partner like a trinity, then you will, enter the hellfire for that.
Wow. Okay. Go back. So, that’s a big deal. So, you were talking about forgetfulness.
So, yeah, they forgot the guidance of Allah. Adam asked forgiveness. God forgives them in the garden and then removes them from the garden. Now, here’s the difference, right? They’re not removed from the garden as punishment.
They’re removed from the garden because it was always God’s intention to remove them from the garden. So, this was a tough one, right? I was meeting with a Muslim and sharing the gospel with him and he asked me, he said, do you think Adam and Eve were forgiven in the garden? I had never thought about it. Have you, have you ever thought about that?
No. I had never thought about it and I told them I had no idea that I’d I’d look it up and come back. And I went back to him and I said, you know, I don’t know. And I said, I know that they tried to cover their shame with leaves and they were insufficient and so God killed an animal and covered them with animal skins. Right.
For sacrifice. Right, and covered their shame with a sufficient covering, at least one that was foreshadowed for the ultimate sufficient covering, covering in Christ, right, according to Hebrews. Because there has to be the shedding of blood. Otherwise, there’s no forgiveness of sins. Interesting.
So, they’re covering their skin and their sin. Yeah. You like that, do you? Yeah. That’s an original error.
So I I told him I didn’t know. And he he wanted to know from me why did God remove Adam and Eve from the garden. Now, what I was taught was because God wouldn’t be in the presence of sin. Right. The more I thought about that, that didn’t necessarily work because God was where is God not?
You know, I mean, he’s a friend of Abraham. He’s present in all places and all times. He dwells in the temple and all of these I’m I’m thinking to myself, something’s not right with this. So I go back to the scripture and I look, and they’re actually removed from the garden and the scripture’s clear about it. I don’t know why we don’t teach this, but they’re removed from the garden so they won’t eat at the tree of life.
Right. And live forever. Yeah. And and, you know, they have to, they’ll receive death. And fear of death is pretty significant both in the Muslim and Christian worldview.
So, you know, eventually Christ comes and he frees us from this. You know, death has no sting and and Christ overcomes death and all of this. And so, anyway, looking at the, at the creation account, before Adam and Eve are taken out of the garden in Islam, they’re given a promise. And the promise is a promise that God will send them messengers that will remind them to follow the guidance in the path of Allah. Okay.
Like prophets. There you go. Okay. Prophets, messengers. So not all, this is a little bit funny, but not all prophets are messengers, but all messengers are prophets.
So, the messengers are those that have a book. You have the Torah, which is given to Moses. You have the Psalms, the zabur, which is given to David. You have, the injeel, which is given to Jesus, the gospel. And then you have the Quran, which is given to Muhammad.
So those are the messengers of Allah, and then you have the prophets of Allah, which would be like Abraham, Isaac, Adam, Noah. You just said that they gave the gospels to Jesus? Yes. The Muslims are they cannot make any distinction among any of the messengers of Allah. They’re not supposed to make any distinction of any of the messages given by Allah and the gospel is one of the messages given.
But it’s a it’s a testimony account of Jesus’ life and death? Yeah. We’ll get to that. Okay. Yeah.
We’ll get there. We’re still in Genesis. But the the key is is that they’re given a promise. They’re given a promise there in Genesis that God will send them messengers that will guide them onto the right path, that will bring to memory all the things that they’re supposed to do and say. So man’s problem is forgetfulness and they have everything within them capable of following the guidance of Allah because he’s given them messengers and messages Interesting.
Through these texts. Now, Christians are also given a promise in Genesis. Uh-huh. You remember what it is? Yeah.
It’s the, Genesis chapter 3. Some call it the proto uangelion. You read your Greek days. 1st gospel. 1st gospel.
Right. So it’s the idea that, the curse of man is is going to be that the, seed of the woman will come through pain, which we’ve got kids to prove it. Mhmm. That’s painful. And that the we don’t actually know, but we hear.
We’ve heard Thank you for the correction. And, yeah, our wives are like, what? You don’t know. So, anyway, you have the the the seed of the woman that comes, and it says that the serpent will strike the the heel and that the the the seed of the woman will crush the serpent under, crush his head, essentially. You see a wonderful depiction of that in the Passion of the Christ.
With the Wonderful. Yeah. It’s pretty intense. But, anyway, so we’re given a promise of a deliverer. Do you see the difference there?
I mean, there’s a there’s a diversion that happens right there at the beginning of the 2 creation narratives where one is promised messengers and messengers and one is promised a deliverer because no matter how hard you work, no matter how hard you try, you aren’t going to be able to do what you need to do to perfectly fulfill the law of God. Mhmm. So the show wouldn’t be possible without sponsors. And this week’s sponsors are. Zweimer Center.
Zweimer Center. The Zweimer Center. The Wamers Center. Zweimer Center. And what does the Zweymer Center do?
Talks about Muslims and and tells them on the computer that we love you. Very nice. The Swimmer Center equips the church to reach Muslims. The Swimmer Center has been educating people about reaching Muslims before it was cool. Big difference.
Right? That’s huge. So, this has to come into play when you’re sharing the gospel with Muslims. You have to recognize that they do believe that they have everything inside of them that they need in order to, please God. Oh, that’s so interesting.
So when you go to them and you say, you know, do you have sin in your life? They’re gonna say no. Right. Because because that’s not the issue. No.
The issue isn’t sin. The issue is, can first of all, can God forgive my sin? And the answer is yes. They would say that God is merciful and God is compassionate. I’ve even had some Muslim say that I believe God is more merciful than you do.
Wow. And when he explained himself, he said that you think that God needs a sacrifice to forgive. I say that God can speak forgiveness. And so that was a interesting perspective from a Muslim. Right.
And then you talked about justice and all that kind of stuff. Yeah. It’s hard though because Muslims don’t necessarily feel like the justice of God and the mercy of God necessarily need to coexist, that God can call something just in one moment, and then the next moment call it unjust. And they’re okay with that because he’s God, he’s transcendent. And so, you have these really big issues when you approach it from an apologetic sort of worldview.
When you’re gonna try and explain God, they’re gonna look at you and say, I don’t need you to explain God. I’m okay with not understanding how this works. Right. God doesn’t have to play by his own rules. Yeah.
So, you have to take a different approach. Character, I guess, even. Yeah. But there is a couple things that come out here that are huge points for evangelism. One is there’s a terrible fear of death.
In, with Muslims? Yes. Okay. Terrible fear of the day of judgment because Mohammed himself would never say that he knew what would happen to him on the day of judgment. So, how could any other Muslim in the world say that they know that God’s gonna be merciful to them on the day of judgment?
Wait. So he brought it up and he said he doesn’t know? So there’s this hadith where this woman, is burying her husband, and she says the prophet comes walking by and she’s addressing the dead body and she says, O Abu Asai, may Allah’s mercy be on you. I bear witness that Allah has honored you. And the prophet says to her, how do you know that Allah has honored him?
She replied, I do not know. May my father and my mother be sacrificed for you, oh Allah’s apostle, but who else is worthy if not this guy? And as to him, by Allah, death has overtaken him and I hope the best for him by Allah, though I am the apostle of Allah and I do not know what he will do with me. And so he was basically telling the woman, don’t presume upon the grace of God. And that’s a very kind of overarching principle throughout Islam.
Most of the Muslims I’ve encountered would say, yeah, on the day of, judgment, I hope that God will be merciful, Insha’Allah, you know, if God wills. But there’s never this sort of presumption or this assurance, of salvation. Mhmm. And it’s totally different than Christianity where we really emphasize the security of our faith. Absolutely.
We approach the throne of God with confidence, resting assured and not in our works, but in the works of Christ. Right. So that’s that’s pretty huge. And there’s one other hadith that I think is pretty meaningful when it talks about, the forgiveness of God and it says, warn your nearest kinmans, kinsmen. Open.
Yeah. Let me try that again. Oh, man. This is Adasai Bukhari. Those of you that read the Hadith, I know it’s if you don’t, don’t worry about it.
But basically, what he says is, oh, people of Quraysh, this is one of the largest tribes in, at the time in Mecca, save yourselves. I cannot save you from the hellfire, from Allah’s punishment. He says of his own aunt, Osafya, the aunt of Allah’s apostle, I cannot save you from Allah’s punishment. Of Fatima bint Mohammed, that’s his own daughter. My my own daughter.
Ask of me anything of my wealth, but I cannot save you from Allah’s punishment. So in in in Islam, Mohammed is not a mediator and Muslims should agree to that. Any orthodox Muslim would agree that Mohammed cannot mediate between man and God. Right. And he’s not divine.
He’s not divine anyway. That would be shirk. That would be the unpardonable or not unpardonable. That would be the horrible sin of attributing some sort of divine quality to him, which is why you have so much issue whenever there’s a drawing of Muhammad. That’s one issue, that’s one part of the issue.
What do you mean say that? Well, they don’t want him to be drawn. You can’t draw the prophets, particularly Muhammad. You shouldn’t be drawing him because they don’t want him to be uplifted into divine status and people begin to start worshiping the messenger Oh. Rather than God himself.
We just we just don’t think like that in the West, but it it is true. True. Like, you have these big billboards with, like, Taylor Swift on it, and there’s there’s an idolatry there. Well, think about when Islam came about with the icons and the, you have the 6th, 7th century and you have all of the heresies going around Right. In the 6th and 7th century and Islam comes into being at that point.
So, you can see why right at the beginning, there are laws against drawing prophets, making images of prophets, including Muhammad, and all the all the other things that we see with all the heresies going on in the 6th, 7th century. And also not attributing divine qualities or adding partners to God. What’s going on in the 6th 7th century? Actually, 3rd, 4th, and 5th century with the early Christian church is trying to figure out the nature of Christ. Right.
That’s where all those heresies came from, right? Exactly. So you might see Islam as a direct polemic actually to the trinitarian nature of Christianity. Interesting. Yeah.
It’s it’s kind of interesting because you just kinda think that they both developed these both these religions developed in a vacuum, like, separately. No. No. Same area. Yeah.
Right. Right there. Influencing one another and and such. Right. I I know that’s probably gonna cause offense on both sides, but I’m just thinking out loud.
Oh, no. Muslims wouldn’t be offended at all by the idea that Islam is, greatly influenced by Judaism and Christianity. Yeah. No. They that’s a given.
As a matter of fact, they you can’t really have, Islam without Judaism and Christianity. Okay. So you were talking about, some of the differences in creation, the creation account and what they lead to. Right. Well, then you get into the prophets.
You get into Abraham and Isaac and Ishmael, which we talked about. Right. I’ve said before. Right. You get into the law, the which is given, and all a lot of the law which you see in Islam, you can actually find in the bible.
Really? Well, think about it. Like, let’s thing about the 5 pillars, for instance. You have shahada or confession. Okay.
That goes right in line with the Shema. Right? The lord your god is 1. Oh, yeah. Deuteronomy chapter 6.
Right. Right. You have the lord your god is 1. And then you have, Jesus giving the Lord your God as 1 and then love your neighbors as you love yourself. So, I mean, even in the New Testament, you see Paul giving somewhat of a Shema or a creedal statement where he says, there is no god but one, for even if there are so called gods in heaven and on earth, There are many lords, yet there is only one god.
And here in 1st Corinthians, chapter 8 verse 6, you see, there is but one God, the father, from whom all things come and for whom we live, and there is but one Lord Jesus Christ. Alright. This week’s sponsors. CIU. CIU.
CIU educates people from a bib Biblical. Biblical world review World view. Real world review. CIU educates people from a biblical worldview to impact the nations with the message of Christ. Now, you hear the Shema in Judaism.
You see Paul’s, statement here in Corinthians. And then when you hear in Islam, there is no God but God and Mohammed is the messenger of God, you can see where they’re picking up on some of these, 7th century ideas about creeds. Right. Yeah. That’s I see that very clearly.
But there’s a couple of others that are weird to me. Well, let’s let’s just go through the the 5 pillars. So next, you have salat. Right? Okay.
So salat, you pray in a certain direction. You face towards Mecca, but not originally. Whenever Islam was in Mecca, you faced you faced Jerusalem. So where do they get this idea of direction of prayer? In first Kings 844, you have direction of prayer.
In the facing of Jerusalem in prayer. In Babylon, right. So you have all of these moments, in the Old Testament where you have a direction of facing in prayer. You have the performance, the you have a direction of facing in prayer. You have the performance, the performing of wadu, the washing, ritual washing before prayer.
We see that same thing in the Old Testament. Right. You see prostration and forms of prayer in the Old Testament. Times of day of prayer, you see the 3 times of day there in Daniel. Right.
And then in the New Testament, you see, was it Peter and John walking up at the appointed time of prayer in the book of Acts? In the Psalms, you have 7 times a day prayer. In the church I attend, we have morning, evening, and midday prayer. So times of prayer, forms of prayer, liturgy, a lot of these things come from Byzantine Christianity right there where Islam is sort of developing in Arabia. Okay.
But explain the direction again. Well, originally originally, they were facing Jerusalem towards the temple. So that’s where God dwells and that’s why? You know, that’s a good question. I really have no idea how that came about.
We need to ask Old Testament scholar why the direction towards the temple, but I’m assuming, yeah, that that would be why. But there’s no temple for Well, Muhammad Muhammad did go to the temple mount in a night journey. It’s one of the few things that some people would chalk up as a miracle because Muhammad said he had no miracles, but Muhammad did travel in what’s known as the night journey to the temple mount. And then from there, he ascended into the heavens and that’s where he receives from, I believe it’s Moses who goes and talks with God, comes back down, and gives them how many times a day they can pray. And I don’t remember the first number.
I think it’s something like 50. And then there’s a negotiation. Right? This is but this would be too much for humanity to bear. So he goes back up, negotiates, comes back down 10, he goes back up, comes back down with 5, and it’s finally settled on 5.
So the 5 times a day prayer is not something that comes out of the Quran. It actually comes out of the Hadith. Okay. So I’m kinda getting confused a little bit. So Mohammed goes to the Jewish temple in his dream.
Yes. The Jewish temple. Temple mount, right, in Jerusalem. You seem totally okay with this. Well, like I said from the beginning is they don’t see, Muslims will have no issue with seeing Judaism and Christianity as being foundational in Islam.
But they don’t see themselves as Jewish or Christian. No. They see even Adam as the first Muslim. See, that’s one of the mistakes people make when you ask, who’s the first Muslim? They’ll say, Muhammad, but they’ll say, no.
Adam. Adam was the first Muslim. Muslim is just one who submitted to God. And all of these messengers that came through Judaism and Christianity were bringing the final message, the highest form of the message, which would be Islam, correcting things from before. Wow.
This my mind is getting blown right now. So you have Judaism and then Christianity comes with the gospel. Jesus corrects things from Judaism, and then you have Mohammed who corrects things that the Christians got wrong. So the things that Christians got wrong according to Muslims is they wanted to worship Jesus. And so Islam comes and says, nope.
He was only a messenger. He was a prophet. He had a message, but he was not to be worshiped. That’s So that’s a common understanding, what you just said. Absolutely.
Absolutely. And I think the way that it’s explained, I remember one time when he mom explained it to me this way. He said, if you think about it, Judaism is like grade school and, Christianity is like high school, and Islam is like college. So I thought that was kinda funny the way he explained it to me, but, yeah, that was his take. So it this, okay.
I might be a little bit off here, but this reminds me of, like, maybe the way Christians view Jews. Oh, sure. Yeah. Yeah. You, like, you have the truth, but there’s much more.
There’s something that you didn’t realize that Jesus actually came. The Messiah is actually here. Right. And then, Muslims would say, well, you know, you know, Jews and Christians, you guys are missing something. Exactly.
And that’s why you see so many crazy. That’s why you see so many similarities. That’s why you see, so many things that are in Islam. You can say, woah, wait a second. There is a biblical basis for that.
Dudley Woodbury wrote an excellent article, titled, Reusing Common Pillars and he’s talking about the biblical basis for the 5 pillars in Islam and all the the, verses that we were mentioning earlier, I think, are expounded on in that article. But it’s worth it’s worth looking at because you even have, Exodus chapter 30. You have Moses talking about making a bronze basin and this basin stand for washing, place it between the tent of meeting and the altar and put water in it. Aaron and his sons washed their hands and their feet with water from it. And does that sound familiar?
Yes. It’s something that Muslims perform every time they go for prayer. They have to perform wadu or ritual washing. Okay, so what about the pilgrimage? You know, pilgrimage is a tough one.
I don’t know exactly where that would come from, but I do know, you know, if you were to think about, Judaism at that time and Christianity at that time, they are still making pilgrimage back to the temple. That’s why in Acts chapter 2, you have people from every nation under heaven. They’re there for the feast of weeks. And so you still have to travel back to Jerusalem for pilgrimage to make sacrifice. And so, it wouldn’t be far fetched for me to think that pilgrimage would just be right in there interpreted when everything shifts from Mecca to Medina in 6/22, that pilgrimage shifts to Mecca at that point and that there’s an emphasis on going back to Mecca for pilgrimage.
Mecca was already considered to be a pilgrimage center for, at that point in time, pagan pagan idolaters. But Oh. They were already going to the Kaaba. And it’s interesting because Muhammad, cleanses the Kaaba. The Kaaba, that thing we talked about with Ishmael, and his father Abraham building, according to Muslims, when Mohammed comes on the scene, he cleanses this Kaaba and he removes all of the idols with the exception of Jesus.
I I believe it’s the tradition says that he left a picture of Jesus and his mother. So you have all of that right there in the beginnings of Islam. So can we talk about the Kaaba for a second? Well, we gotta get through these pillars quickly, and then we’ll go into the Kaaba. Jihad.
That’s not a pillar. Isn’t it isn’t it something that they they add to the pillars too. Right? I think most Americans add it to the pillars, but Muslims do not. I thought I said I’ve heard so many people say, I don’t know.
That’s the hidden 6th pillar of Islam. Yeah. Yeah. That’s what I heard it is. Yeah.
So there’s 2 types of jihad. Well, we’ll talk about jihad later. Let’s just think of the pillars. You have salat. That’s the prayer.
It happens at certain times, times of day. Also, biblical basis for that having certain times of day of prayer. You can see that in Leviticus. You can see that in also acts like I mentioned Ramadan, the idea of fasting, ritual fasting. Yeah.
Yeah. Yeah. So, fasting from the fast in Islam is a fast from, sex, food, water and and smoking. Smoking. Right.
Right. And so it’s a difficult fast. I know I’ve done it twice. Once, I didn’t survive it. The other time, I did.
I attempted it twice, I should say. And once, I did the whole time. But it’s a difficult thing when people say, oh, I don’t understand. Doesn’t seem so hard. They eat every night.
I’ve done extended periods of fasting without, food. Mhmm. And I’ve done extended periods of the Ramadan where you fast and you eat at night. I don’t think one is easier than the other. They’re both very difficult.
Because Ramadan’s sun up, sun down. Yeah. But no water. That’s the tough one. I can deal with some hunger pain.
Water think about water. Water is tough. And especially since Ramadan this year comes in the summer. Oh, right. And last year and the year before.
And we are in the south. That’s right. So then you have zakat or the giving of your wealth. It’s a little less than our 10%. It’s, I believe, 2 point one fourth or 2.5 percent of your wealth.
Yeah. 2.5. Alright. So this show wouldn’t be possible without sponsors. And at this point in the show is where, if you wanna partner with us, we would put your ad.
So if you wanna be a part of the show, you like partnering with us, you like what we’re doing, you wanna be on our team, what have you, bringing this show to the world, then email us and let us know. 2.5%. Literally, 2.5. I believe so. This is the problem without working from a script, man.
I don’t remember the exact Audiences, we don’t we don’t work in a script. We don’t have a script. Based on memory. 2.5%, I believe, is correct. But that’s still kind of a really particular number.
But go ahead. So was 10? 10 percent is a particular number? Not as particular as 2.25. 25.2.5.
We’re going with 2.5. 2.47. Yeah. So, then you’ve got the Hodge. It’s the everything to Bert works on the lunar calendar.
That’s why it shifts every year. Like, the Hajj isn’t the same every time every year. Ramadan isn’t the same every time every year. Eid, so on and so forth. But while they’re there yeah.
They don’t have an Easter egg. Oh, but while they’re having, their Hajj, they’ll perform a lot of these rituals that we’ve talked about, like running back and forth from Safwan to Marwan. Yeah. Yeah. How far is that?
Hagar’s journey. I’m not really sure. I mean, is it, like, miles and miles and miles? No. I think you can see the 2 mountains.
They’re basically on each side of the city. Okay. But it’s still, I mean, you you know, it’s hot. Wait. They’re walking?
Yeah. Well, some run. It depends, man. You get all kinds of different furries. But I’m just thinking it was a car, like, driving my car.
I’m sure some people get in the car, you know, older people. Right. Right. I don’t think you would see some young buck jumping in a vehicle to drive back and forth. I mean, that’d be a little bit being loose with the interpretation.
Right. Embarrassing. But they do oh, we just had a little bird fly right into the window. Right. I think he’s okay.
It’s the Lord’s blessing. Alright. Anyway, so, then you’ve got your Hajj. Right? Yep.
So those are your 5. And really quick with that 6 pillar, there is no 6 pillar of jihad, but I think all Muslims are supposed to practice this idea of jihad. You hear the greater jihad, the lesser jihad. The greater jihad, according to the majority of Muslims, is the inner turmoil or struggle. Jihad just means struggle.
Okay. That’s what the word means. So is jihad is the personal interpretation or the struggle for interpretation to out of the Quran. So jihad in and of itself isn’t bad. It just means struggle.
So there’s a struggle, like, this battle between spirit and flesh. That’s the greater jihad that so many Muslims reference. But But the vast majority of the use of the term jihad in in the in the traditions and the and the biographies is is war. That’s the vast majority. Right.
That’s what we hear on the news. Either way, it’s not a pillar. There are only 5. Okay. So explain to me the struggle.
Are you talking it sounds like inner sin. No. I think that’s what with inner sin? Right. I think that’s how a lot of Muslims would describe it, a struggle between flesh and spirit.
But their but their view on sin is not it’s it’s almost secondary, it sounded like, from what you were talking about, forgetfulness. I, yeah. I don’t think that there is nearly as heavy an emphasis on sin in Islam as there is in Christianity, and I think that’s because there is less of an emphasis on the holiness of God. So we emphasize jihad a lot more just because it tickles our ears in the news and we hear all of this stuff that’s going on. And so we think jihad is a huge thing in Islam, but it’s not a huge thing.
Almost every Muslim I’ve ever encountered references jihad as that internal struggle. I have met 1 or 2 Muslims in my lifetime that see jihad as they really want to engage in war on behalf of Islam. And war would be like fighting violent. Fighting. Yeah.
I mean, think about it in the context of the 7th century when all this comes about. They are fighting with tribes. Right. They are, struggling, and you need to recruit people to fight so that you can get the city of Mecca because in 6/22, they’re expelled from Mecca. Mohammed escapes, goes to, Medina.
And all of the while, the goal is to get back to Mecca. And so jihad becomes a political means, a spiritual means to regain the city of Mecca. So Which you see religions do that a lot. Absolutely. Absolutely.
Okay. So yeah. We’ll go into the next show. We’ll talk about the, the text. Yeah.
That was super interesting. Yeah. Well, this one I thought was super interesting. The text. Hope listeners feel the same or just might be you and me sitting here talking to each other.
Yeah. I love hearing Trevor’s voice. Alright. So radio voice, Eric. So tell me tell me, about next week’s the the text.
So because that’s not enough for me, bro. Well, I mean I’m not gonna listen to a podcast that’s about text. No. It’s text messaging. Well, we’ve already got we’ve already got, Peter Riddell talking about the Quran.
So we’re not gonna talk a about the Quran, but we will talk about the Hadith, which I say that the meat and potatoes of the religion comes from the Hadith, not the Hadith. Really? The Quran is relatively small and somewhat ambiguous, whereas the Hadith Short is the New Testament. Right? Yep.
About that size? Right. New Testament. Right. But the Hadith, on the other hand, I mean volumes and volumes and volumes about what Mohammed did, what Mohammed said, approved of, or silently approved of by silence, that’s where you get your meat and potatoes in the media.
Oh, I can’t wait. Alright. Thanks for listening.