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Topic: Faith & Practice
The world is in a mess, with Muslim nations seemingly experiencing more than their share of struggles. Not long ago, news focused on the utter devastation and death caused by a massive earthquake in Southern Turkey and Northern Syria. In…
Topic: Faith & Practice, Faith & Practice
Over the last decade or two, the question of whether Muslims and Christians worship the same God has reared its head at fairly frequent intervals. A recent contribution to the debate, published in March 2021, is Andy Bannister’s Do Muslims…
Topic: Faith & Practice, Faith & Practice, Africa, Faith & Practice, Folk Islam
Prior to the rise of Islam, Somalis adhered to an ancient religion known as Ebbe Waaq, a complex polytheistic belief system. However, strong evidence also suggests pre-Islamic monotheism in the region, such as the Yibr clan who claim direct lineage…
Topic: Faith & Practice, Faith & Practice, Africa, Faith & Practice, Folk Islam, Faith & Practice, Ramadan
The woman’s whole household program is changed during Ramadan, the ninth month in the Muslim lunar calendar, the month in which the first sections of the Qur’an were revealed to Muhammad. During this month of fasting all except children, the…
Topic: Faith & Practice, Faith & Practice, Africa, Faith & Practice, Folk Islam, Faith & Practice, Ramadan, Faith & Practice, Muslim Women
In considering the teaching of the Qur’an about women we must bear in mind the situation in Arabia just before the rise of Islam in the first part of the seventh century A. D. Arabia was rapidly changing from a…
Topic: Faith & Practice, Faith & Practice, Africa, Faith & Practice, Folk Islam, Faith & Practice, Ramadan, Faith & Practice, Muslim Women, Faith & Practice, Radicalism
Few questions regarding Islam are as salient to current events and public discourse as the relationship between Islam and violence, and few questions are as polarizing. Outsiders looking into the house of Islam have reached conflicting conclusions, with American Presidents…
Topic: Faith & Practice, Faith & Practice, Africa, Faith & Practice, Folk Islam, Faith & Practice, Ramadan, Faith & Practice, Muslim Women, Faith & Practice, Radicalism, Comparative Religion, Mission and Evangelism
The speaker at a large Bible conference, advocating for adherence to the fundamentals of faith and seeking to stir controversy, commented that there were missionaries who actually used “Allah,” the Muslim name for God, in their Christian witness. The statement…
Topic: Faith & Practice, Faith & Practice, Africa, Faith & Practice, Folk Islam, Faith & Practice, Ramadan, Faith & Practice, Muslim Women, Faith & Practice, Radicalism, Comparative Religion, Mission and Evangelism, Book Review, Comparative Religion
The Muslim World (TMW) is one of the leading academic journals covering Islam worldwide. Strange it would call its own history “bigoted”. It was founded in 1911 by Samuel Zwemer, a founding father of Protestant missions in engagement with the…
Topic: Faith & Practice, Faith & Practice, Africa, Faith & Practice, Folk Islam, Faith & Practice, Ramadan, Faith & Practice, Muslim Women, Faith & Practice, Radicalism, Comparative Religion, Mission and Evangelism, Book Review, Comparative Religion, Faith & Practice
Islamic teaching has always held that Jesus (Issa) was not God. He was simply a good man and one of the most esteemed prophets of Allah. There are, however, several statements in the Quran and Traditions that suggest something…
Topic: Faith & Practice, Faith & Practice, Africa, Faith & Practice, Folk Islam, Faith & Practice, Ramadan, Faith & Practice, Muslim Women, Faith & Practice, Radicalism, Comparative Religion, Mission and Evangelism, Book Review, Comparative Religion, Faith & Practice, Sunni & Shi’a
The world’s Muslims fall into two major camps, Sunni and Shia, sometimes likened to Christianity’s Catholics and Protestants. But the similarity is superficial. In terms of the world’s total Muslim population, Sunnis and Shias disagree over what percentage each group…
Topic: Faith & Practice, Faith & Practice, Africa, Faith & Practice, Folk Islam, Faith & Practice, Ramadan, Faith & Practice, Muslim Women, Faith & Practice, Radicalism, Comparative Religion, Mission and Evangelism, Book Review, Comparative Religion, Faith & Practice, Sunni & Shi’a, Apologetics, Comparative Religion, Qur'an
The Qur’an presents itself as the Bible’s sequel and always refers to the biblical Torah (al-tawrat), Psalms (al-zabur) and New Testament (al-injil) with honor and respect. It says it confirms, clarifies and guards them from misinterpretation. The Qur’an asserts that…
Topic: Faith & Practice, Faith & Practice, Africa, Faith & Practice, Folk Islam, Faith & Practice, Ramadan, Faith & Practice, Muslim Women, Faith & Practice, Radicalism, Comparative Religion, Mission and Evangelism, Book Review, Comparative Religion, Faith & Practice, Sunni & Shi’a, Apologetics, Comparative Religion, Qur'an, Faith & Practice, Ramadan
In post 9/11 anti-Muslim discourse, taqiyya has been redefined as a religious obligation for Muslims to lie to non-Muslims not simply for survival, but in order to serve the expansionist agenda of their religious community. According to the taqiyya-focused strand of the anti-Muslim…
Ebooks & Books

The Unseen Reality: A Panoramic View of Spiritual Warfare